
Empathetic companies
know 75% of employees
are caregivers.

  • 83% of working parents consider childcare benefits when changing jobs.

  • Employees caring for an older adult will double in coming years.

  • The benefit pays for itself as employees avoid a leave of absence (in an eldercare scenario) or more easily return to work.

Ways & Wane mindfully solves
the family care puzzle.

Your employees will work with a certified care concierge,
backed by a guided digital care experience.

A family care benefit retains
and invites the talent you need.

  • Find camps for holidays and summer break

  • Select in-home care and find ways to pay for it

  • Source daycare and backup care—for children and older adults

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for already carrying us exponentially further than we would have done on our own. It is difficult and time-consuming to research, understand and compare available options let alone trying to do so while working full time and meeting my husband and daughter’s needs. Your support is priceless.”

Diane C.

The Larkin Company

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for already carrying us exponentially further than we would have done on our own. It is difficult and time-consuming to research, understand and compare available options let alone trying to do so while working full time and meeting my husband and daughter’s needs. Your support is priceless.”

Diane C.

The Larkin Company

A social worker does the care work so your employees can do their work.

Ken’s 74-year-old mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. His father was struggling with her care and didn’t want to place her in a facility, but desperately needed respite from his caregiving responsibilities. They lived 10 hours from Ken so he couldn’t meet their daily needs.

After Ken’s free meeting with his care advisor, she screened and presented three options for in-home caregiving agencies as well as three facilities that could provide respite care.

When the decision was made to move his parents closer to him, his care advisor screened moving companies for him. For their new location, we found an in-network geriatric Primary Care Physician that was accepting new patients as well as respite care options in their new location. Eventually, for her own safety, placement in a facility couldn’t be avoided. To address that need, Ken’s care advisor screened and presented three memory care options within a short drive from Ken’s father. The Care Environment Transition guide offered practical ways to ease the change.

While all this hasn’t been easy for Ken, he’s expressed extreme gratitude for his care advisor doing the “heavy lifting” for him.

“I am so glad to have this benefit as it has taken quite a load off my shoulders.”