Dial 2-1-1 anytime of the day or night to get respite care resources (and other help) in your area
For example, a search on the 211 website: www.211.org showed me resources near me, like the Jewish Family Service Caregiver Support Program which can offer respite help. I also found a link there that showed me 14 Adult Day Care options ranging from $0-65/day.
As a nonprofit funded by United Way and local governments, 2-1-1 made more than 12.8 million help connections in 2018. It’s free to have them help you.
Here are four reasons why you should call 2-1-1 for answers about local nursing homes, walker recommendations, senior transportation and in-home care.
- 2-1-1 referrals are free.
- 2-1-1 is government-funded, but it is not just for the poor. The operators can give you information about support groups, housing options and caregivers.
- 2-1-1 gives you names and numbers of local companies, nonprofits or agencies that will provide the services your senior needs.
- 2-1-1 is open 24/7 and available by phone (best) or chat at 211.org or by text. They report that 94.6% of the U.S. population can access a local 2-1-1 center. My call was answered quickly by phone, but not at all by text.
Calling 2-1-1 would have given me a starting point to getting more help for my dad. Here’s a checklist of questions to ask 2-1-1 when you call, so you don’t forget anything.
Now may you have peace as you help an older adult in their waning phase of life.
Debbie McDonald is the Founder of Ways & Wane, an online platform that helps you help your aging parent. She lives in Northern California with her husband.