Daytime Care for Older Adults [VIDEO]

Adult day centers offer a care solution that balances independence with structured care.

These centers provide a welcoming environment where older adults can engage in meaningful activities, socialize with peers, and receive appropriate support services during daytime hours, all while allowing them to return to the comfort of their own homes each evening.

Jami, one of our care advisors, will give you the 3-minute adult day center overview in the video above. Below you can find the written transcript.

Many older adults would like to “age in place.” They’d rather not move into a care facility.

Adult day programs offer drop-in daytime care for older adults. It’s important to note that they are not residential or overnight, and some smaller communities may not offer these programs.

Who’s a good fit? Individuals who don’t need overnight care, people who are isolated at home and want daytime activities and socialization, and those who don’t require active medical care during the day. It’s also a good option for families or caregivers who need a respite break or regular care support.

How does it work? Individuals admitted to an adult day program have full access to activities and services. Different programs offer various services and levels of care. Some include healthcare visits, mail and hair services on-site, social and fitness activities, pet therapy, music therapy, art therapy, and support for faith traditions. In addition, some programs offer meals, snacks, medication management, and transportation to and from the day center.

One additional benefit of adult day centers is that the cost is less expensive per hour than hiring a private in-home caregiver. Often, private pay insurance and Medicaid-funded programs will cover the cost of adult day centers.

I hope you find joy in loving one another well.

Memorable Gifts for Kids

I just knew he’d love the remote control car. It had oversized wheels sure to scale all kinds of terrain and a long range remote. I’m guessing he would have been truly delighted by it, especially if he hadn’t carefully cut off the antenna right after opening the box. It never drove an inch.

Sometimes as parents, we have a tendency to want to “wow” our children when it comes to gifts. But does this set expectations that don’t match our budget? Does it actually create the meaningful memories we anticipate? After all, so many times that “wow” gift loses its magic in a very short period of time.

Now as a parent of kids who are in their young 20s, I’ve seen the toys come and go—mostly not even remembered and likely at this point in a landfill somewhere. Sorry. What has stuck for us are the memories and experiences of our time together. It may sound cliche, but it’s very true.

With a memory making approach, here are three gift giving ideas

  1. Experiences Over Things: How about tickets to a unique zoo event, coupons for an art or cooking class, a local play, a donut tasting tour (if you are near a metropolitan area), a coupon for a “date” with a parent, a 36 hour trip to explore a nearby city or town, or a camping trip in the living room (complete with the tent and smores), a pajama sleepover at a hotel where the time is spent reading or watching movies and eating take-out. Again, these experiences foster lasting memories and shared joy, making the holiday season more about connection than consumption.
  2. The “Something They Want, Need, Wear, and Read” Rule: This minimalist strategy suggests giving one gift in each of these categories. For example, a favorite toy (want), a practical item like new shoes (need), a cozy sweater (wear), and a beloved book or audiobook (read). This approach promotes thoughtful and balanced gift-giving, avoiding excess while still delighting the child.
  3. Teach Generosity Through Giving: Purposefully put the focus on giving instead of receiving and the delight that provides. Involve children in thinking about choosing and giving gifts to others, such as selecting toys for donation or helping with acts of service like baking cookies for neighbors. This nurtures empathy and helps children understand the value of kindness, fostering a sense of community.

Particularly for parents of younger children, it might take some courage to resist the lure of the “wow” gift item, but it’s going to be easier if the focus shifts at a younger age. That said, you may have some convincing to do with the grandparents who love to “wow” a grandchild.

Elizabeth Dameron-Drew is President of Ways & Wane and in the sandwich generation.

Holiday Gifts for the Older Adult in Your Life

How many slippers can one person wear?

With the holidays upon us, you may be wondering what to get the older adult in your life. Perhaps you’re thinking another pair of slippers isn’t quite right. Good news! We have some meaningful solutions for you, including some fun ideas to connect the generations in your family.

  • Ask people in the family (siblings, older grandchildren, etc.) to pitch in to set the older adult up with a year’s worth of housecleaning or seasonal yard clean up.
  • Invite them to an in-person or virtual dinner (or several dinners) and pick out specific dates. (Everyone likes something to look forward to!) For the virtual dinner, have dinner delivered to them and join them over zoom.
  • Choose a gift item from our Activities at Home list. It includes independent activities plus activities to do with two or more people. To help make projects successful, a list of adaptive tools is on the final page. The heart icon đŸ€ denotes activities that may also work well for those with dementia or other cognitive impairment.
  • Make a custom paper notepad. Maybe a photo of a pet or a grandchild or their favorite quote. Stores like Staples offer an option to create a custom notepad with your photo or text.
  • For someone who tends to have sore or cold feet, this foot massager provides heat, compression and massage.
  • A monthly or quarterly membership which delivers gourmet chocolate, cheese, or flowers.
  • Make a donation on their behalf to a charity that is especially meaningful to them.

How to Create Fairness Between Siblings

Sibling Rivalry? Tips to Lay the Groundwork

Sibling dynamics among children play into how well those siblings will work together later in life.

At some point, these same children will be in a position to work together to help manage your care. They already are (or will be) watching how you work through care navigation with your own siblings. 

It’s hard to imagine that future I know, but as Psychologist Dr. Albers states, “Role modeling is one of the most powerful and effective ways to teach your children how to get along with their siblings.” 

It’s a complex topic without a “one size fits all” solution, but this article from the Cleveland Clinic outlines 10 tips for dealing with sibling rivalry. A few of the main points include:

  • Create a cooperative environment
  • Celebrate individuality
  • Treat kids fairly, not equally
  • Give children problem-solving tools
  • Make discipline private
  • Have a family meeting

We’ve presented how powerful family meetings can be to manage care navigation for the older adults in your family circle. Imagine how useful it would be to have family meetings already a practiced habit from childhood!

May you find joy in loving one another well in and outside of your family meetings! 

How to Talk With Siblings About Care for an Older Adult

Conversations between siblings about care for an older adult are layered with emotion and just might have lasting impacts on the family for years to come. 

The truth is that most siblings don’t talk about care management roles until it is essential. Nobody wants to have a stressful conversation in the hospital corridor. We want you to be prepared to calmly navigate care for your parents or in-laws. 

We’ve highlighted some of the common sibling care controversies and have tools to move forward with purposeful and peace seeking care conversations.

My Parents are Healthy…

If you have healthy older adults in your care circle, why should you make a plan with siblings now? Let me illustrate why this is so important with a story.

Adam’s perfectly healthy dad, George, had a fall one afternoon where he hit his head so hard he had a brain injury resulting in him being unable to speak clearly or make decisions. In a matter of minutes, Adam went from “my dad is perfectly healthy” to trying to figure out if he or his sister was the healthcare proxy. He didn’t know if his dad had his wishes defined and where in the world that paperwork was, if it existed at all. His sister thought her dad had asked her to be the healthcare proxy, but Adam said his dad had talked to him about it over golf one day. His sister was furious with Adam over how he was directing the care for their father when she thought it was her role, but Adam felt he was just trying to do his best in a terrifying and chaotic situation. Neither of them thought the other person was in the right role nor did they know what their dad would want, except for them not to be fighting. 

You may be thrust very suddenly into figuring out care for an older adult. Are there other family members involved also? If so, there are three common barriers to setting up a successful care team: personal agendas, childhood roles and division of responsibilities.

Challenge: Personal Agendas

At work, we clearly define project goals at the onset, so it’s clear when they’ve been achieved. While a caregiving journey is likely not as quantifiable as your work projects, it’s just as important to define the overarching goals.

Solution: Establishing common goals

Among siblings, start your conversation with your common goals. 

  1. We all want to respect our older adults’ wishes and needs as much as possible.
  2. We don’t want angst or division between us during this time or for the years following.

Once we agree on these basic goals, it’s much easier to sift care decisions and strategies. We recommend restating the common goals whenever care planning is being done, particularly when bigger decisions are being made. 

Challenge: Childhood Roles

Let’s say you and your siblings have defined the key goals, but that doesn’t really make up for the fact that your brother has always been the (insert primary trait from childhood) one and your sister will likely be (insert primary trait from childhood). The roles your siblings played in your family are decades old. Are you assuming that they are the same people they were in childhood? You have likely evolved past those early stereotypes or roles and want your siblings to see you for who you are today, many years later. 

Solution: Recognize current strengths

Instead of dragging those old assumptions into this season, can you put yourself in a neutral, curious and even grace-filled posture when it comes to who your siblings are and what they are capable of? We all have different strengths. Each sibling has an opportunity to help in a way that fits their strengths and giftings. That’s a beautiful thing.

Challenge: What’s “fair”?

When you and your siblings were young, there were likely feelings of what was “fair” between you. Remember the heated argument of who got the piece of cake with the big green frosting-filled flower on it? Now that everyone is older you already know that most of life isn’t “fair”, but in addition to that, you and your sibling’s lives are significantly more complicated as there are geographic locations, spouses, kids, jobs, health and individual finances that factor in for each person. All of that wasn’t a factor when you were jockeying for the piece of cake with the green frosting-filled flower on it. The notion of siblings each covering their “fair share” of care navigation just isn’t realistic. 

Solution: Accept imbalance and ask for or offer support

The truth is that usually the majority of the caregiving responsibilities fall on one or two people’s shoulders. It’s helpful to accept that and let go of what’s “fair”. The individual taking on the bulk of the care can take time to define how others can help; other family members can support in the ways requested.

The power of the family meeting

A well-prepared family meeting creates a way forward. 

To help you suggest or run a family care meeting, we have two great options:

  1. Facilitate the meeting yourself, using the Ways & Wane Family Care Meeting Tool.
  2. Enlist the support of your Care Advisor to facilitate a family meeting. Having an unbiased third party involved can be a way to reach a decision especially if sibling relations are complex or the necessary decisions are weighty. 

You may not be able to get absolutely everything in place, but whatever steps you take, however small, can ease the stress of managing care for the older adults in your family circle. 

Evaluate Medicare plans now!

Are your elderly parents or in-laws on the right Medicare plan? 

Medicare’s open enrollment (aka Annual Election Period) is from October 15th to December 7th. The last change on or before Dec. 7th will take effect on Jan 1st 2025. 

What current Medicare recipients should do

Should current Medicare recipients look at their policy? Medicare says: It depends on the type of plan currently in place. 

  • If the plan in place is Original Medicare (aka Part A and Part B) plus a supplemental plan (often called a Medigap) and the recipient is happy with the coverage, a change doesn’t  need to be made.
  • If the plan in place is Part C (aka Medicare Advantage) or Part D, the recipient should review all the coverage options (even if they are happy with the current coverage) because plans change their costs and benefits every year. To do that, read the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC), which should have been received by September 30. The ANOC lists the changes in the plan, such as the premium and copays, and will compare the benefits in 2024 with those in 2025. 

Do some homework before switching to a Medicare Advantage plan

Currently, 54% of Medicare recipients have a Medicare Advantage plan, but not everyone is happy about it. The Pros and Cons of Medicare Advantage by Fortune Well outlines some significant “cons” such as:

  • According to a KFF study in 2022, “traditional Medicare” outperformed Medicare Advantage in receiving care in the highest-rated hospitals for cancer care or in the highest-quality skilled nursing facilities and home health agencies.
  • The U.S. Health and Human Services Inspector General reports found “widespread and persistent problems related to denials of care and payment,” related to the prior authorization rules specific to Medicare Advantage plans.
  • Medicare Advantage plans are permitted to limit their provider networks, the size of which can vary considerably for both physicians and hospitals, depending on the plan and the county where it is offered.

For those turning 65: how to avoid Medicare penalties

Recipients are eligible for initial enrollment in Medicare during a 7-month window, which includes: 

  • 3 months before a 65th birthday, 
  • during their birthday month and 
  • 3 months after their birthday month. 

According to Medicare, the best way to enroll in a new plan is to call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). Enrolling in a new plan directly through Medicare is the best way to be protected if there are problems with the enrollment. Medicare suggests that the recipient take notes regarding everything about the enrollment conversation including the date, the representative spoken with and any outcomes or next steps.

If one doesn’t sign up during the Initial Enrollment period, there can be late enrollment penalties for Parts A, B and D unless the recipient has other coverage that’s similar in value to Medicare (like from an employer.) They also may have to pay a late enrollment penalty.

Late enrollment penalties:

  • Are added to the monthly premium.
  • Are not a one-time late fee.
  • Are usually charged for as long as they have that type of coverage (for most people, that’s a lifetime penalty). The Part A penalty is different.
  • Go up the longer they wait to sign up – they’re based on how long they go without coverage similar to Medicare. 

More information about late enrollment penalties can be found on this Medicare page.

How do I know what Medicare plan is already in place?

You can find this information a few different ways:

  1. Look at the recipient’s Medicare card, as this shows: If they have Medicare Part A (listed as HOSPITAL), Part B (listed as MEDICAL), or both and the date the coverage began. With the Medicare number on the card, you can follow the steps to find more information and log into the on-line account here.
  2. Call the program at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). You will need the recipient on the phone and/or their permission.
  3. Check their account which requires access to their username and password. You will also need their zip code, Medicare number, name, date of birth, and the effective date for the Medicare coverage.
  4. If you have access, sign in to their Social Security account and view the benefit verification letter.

Want help making sense of all the parts and plans?

This two minute video from Medicare provides a helpful summary of what is covered by the A, B, C & D parts of Medicare. 

Unbiased guidance on Medicare plans

The State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) provides free and unbiased counseling advice about Medicare programs. The SHIP site has a search by state feature to determine the contact information for your statewide resource. 

Alternatively, the National Council on Aging’s Medicare Standards of Excellence list can be used to find agents and brokers working for the recipient’s best interest. 

As always, a Ways & Wane Care Advisor is available to support you with navigating care needs including Medicare.

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Paying for Care and Housing after 65

True or false? 

Medicare will cover the cost of mom’s housing and care.


It’s a fairly common misconception that Medicare will cover the cost of housing for older adults, but this is not the case. Medicare will cover up to 100 days a year in a nursing home, but only after a qualifying hospital stay. Particularly since housing prices and living costs are expected to continue to rise, a viable housing plan is more important than ever before.

Most funding for the housing and care of older adults comes from these sources:

  • The sale or rental income of their home
  • Retirement income such as a pension or investment account withdrawals
  • Social Security benefits. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, in 2022, retired workers received an average of $1,669 per month in Social Security benefits

The fact is that for most older adults in the United States, their available funds do not adequately cover the cost of housing and necessary expenses. Currently, more than 15 million older adults are “economically insecure,” meaning they live at or below 200% of the federal poverty level ($27,180 per year for a single person in 2022), according to the National Council on Aging. In fact, by 2030 there will be about 72 million adults over the age of 65 with more older adults expected to enter the federal poverty level than ever before. 

Budgeting Tools for Senior Housing

Are you helping an older adult to plan ahead or stepping in to help manage a budget for housing and care? There are two free resources to help in the budget planning process:

  1. This free Retirement Planner Worksheet is for individuals ages 50-70 and does not require identifying information.
  2. If the expected income from Social Security is unknown, you can get an estimate of the expected benefit payout from the Social Security website.

Creative Senior Housing Options

It’s clear that affordable housing options and creative solutions are much needed to address the needs of economically insecure older adults. Some housing solutions include: 

  • An Accessory Dwelling Unit which can be added to an existing property. Detailed information about ADUs can be found in our article HERE. 
  • Manufactured home communities for 55+ can be another more affordable option. The home itself is owned, while the land in which it sits is leased. Care should be taken to understand the expected increases for the cost of the land lease.
  • Senior apartment complexes offer independent living units, sometimes with common use areas and services. The cost of renting is usually less than the cost to maintain a home and cover property taxes, upkeep and repairs.
  • The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers affordable public housing apartments and single-family homes for older adults in need. The two programs which offer the most help to older adults are HUD’s Section 202 Affordable Senior Housing and HUD’s Housing Voucher Program
  • The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program does not provide housing subsidies, but tax incentives to encourage developers to create affordable housing. These tax credits are provided to each state based on population and are distributed to the state’s designated tax credit allocating agency.

Both HUD programs and the LIHTC have specific processes and requirements to apply. Unfortunately, they can be time-consuming and confusing to navigate. The demand for subsidized housing is already significant and is only going to increase. So while there are long waitlists, it’s wise to begin the process of applying, even if it means paying an application fee.

Our Housing and Care Options chart provides a general overview and cost comparisons.

Successful Housing Searches

For a recent client, our Care Advisors found an independent senior apartment complex that also provided transportation, meals and housekeeping and best of all would allow their mom to be within 5 miles of her daughter. For another client who needed an affordable apartment for their mother that would be close by, we narrowed 35 options to four affordable options, two of which were available immediately. Since two were income-contingent, we provided the direct links to the applications, the fees and estimated wait list time. 

Invest in the Future; Planning for Retirement

If you were to ask your 4 year old if you can live with them when they grow up, they’d likely reply with an enthusiastic “I wanna always live with you; I never wanna live in another place from you!”. 

Ask them again when they are 35 and their answer may be different. 

Maybe you’ll choose to live with your adult child, but it might be nice if you have other choices too. Planning for affordable housing before you are the older adult is something that cannot start too soon. 

Retirement Calculator

Do a quick calculation to see if living with your kids will be optional. Without putting in identifying information or creating an account, Dave Ramsey’s retirement calculator will show an estimate of your retirement savings. It will even show you what you can save if you skip the daily coffee purchase, but you don’t actually have to look directly at that number. 

Compound Interest Example

According to AARP’s retirement planning article, “the earlier you start saving for retirement, the better off you’ll be. If you start putting $5,000 a year into an IRA at age 30, you’ll have about $669,400 at age 70, assuming you earn 5 percent a year. If you start at age 50, you’ll have $186,860. Although it’s never too late to start saving, it’s a lot easier if you start early.”

Fidelity Investments’ 8 moves to help snowball retirement savings has tips for those in their 20s and 30s. Additionally, Dave Ramsey’s How to Save Money: 23 Simple Tips has some truly practical ways to save money even if you can’t imagine cutting expenses.

And as a backup plan, you could always ask your four-year-old to put the “you can always live with me” in writing, especially if you plan on continuing your daily Starbucks habit.

Emergency Room: The Inside Scoop

Is the older adult you love prepared for 26 hours in an ER? You think that number was a typo. No, it’s called ER boarding and it’s an all too common problem. 

ER boarding describes a situation where the doctor has determined that a patient needs to be admitted, but the patient ends up waiting for hours (sometimes more than 24 hours) in the ER perhaps on a gurney in a hallway. Shockingly, the patient may not receive food or water or get help to the bathroom. It’s estimated that older adults account for about 30-50% of those who end up boarded in the ER. According to KFF Health News, physicians who staff emergency rooms say the problem is as bad as it’s ever been — even worse than during the first years of the pandemic.

Patient Need May Not Match Hospital Priority

Zikry of UCLA Health described part of the challenge as the fact that, “ERs are designed to handle crises and stabilize patients, not to “take care of patients who we’ve already decided need to be admitted to the hospital.” The barrier is in part due to a shortage of beds in the hospital, some of which are held for patients undergoing lucrative surgeries or procedures.

In case you think this is a small or rural hospital problem, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, reported that as of September 2023, patients admitted to the hospital spent a median of 14 hours in the ER and 26% spent more than 24 hours. 

The result of an older adult being in an ER boarding situation can cause a cascading effect to whatever the new emergency was. The compounding impact of the chaotic environment, limited food and water, minimal care and (potentially) skipped prescriptions can be life changing. 

Five Emergency Room Pro Tips

These five ER tips can help increase the odds that the older adult gets the care they need:

  1. Physician Calls Ahead.  If possible, have the older adult’s Primary Care Physician call ahead to the ER to alert them of the older adult’s expected arrival and current medical situation and/or history. 
  1. Go With the Older Adult.  Don’t let an older adult go to the ER alone. They need someone to be there to advocate well for them. (Note: the best advocate may not be their partner, who if they are also an older adult, may not do well both physically and/or mentally.)
  1. Pack a Go Bag.  Bring the following items (for both the older adult and family advocate): 
  • a list of the older adult’s medications and (ideally) the medications themselves
  • glasses and/or hearing aids
  • water bottles
  • things to pass the time like a magazine or deck of cards
  • headphones, ear plugs, eye masks
  • charging cords
  • food (not just snacks) to eat
  • medications plus over the counter pain relief 
  • a small overnight bag with toiletry kit
  • change of clothes
  1. Advocate for Admission.  If discharging the older adult from the ER is being discussed, but you believe an admission is more appropriate, you can use language like, “I believe this would be a premature (or negligent) discharge and would like it documented that I’ve expressed this.” This language may be enough to generate a more thorough care response. The Forbes Advisor article titled, What is an Unsafe Discharge from the Hospital? provides more information about this topic.
  1. Communicate Limitations of Living Situation.  So a safe and responsible discharge plan can be made, communicate the details of the older adult’s living situation to the staff (e.g. mobility barriers like stairs in the home, who is able to assist with in-home care and what their capabilities are, transportation limitations, etc.). If the current living situation is no longer able to meet their current care needs, make sure that is abundantly clear so that an alternate plan can be made. 

A trip to the ER for the older adults isn’t something you want to think about. But being prepared and knowing how to be a good medical advocate can make a tremendous difference.

Get Certified in CPR

Getting Certified:

The American Heart Association estimates that 100,000 to 200,000 lives of adults and children could be saved each year if CPR were performed early enough.
Particularly with the increase in water-related activities during the summer, having updated CPR can make all the difference. The Red Cross offers on-line, (work at your own pace) CPR classes for as low as $37.00. There’s no better time than the present to get trained or update your skills.